Leyla Sharman

Lives:Hobart, Tasmania
Bike/s:Specialized Enduro Elite 2020 and a 2021 Status
Gnarliest Ride:Iron Tor
Insta Handle:@leylamtb
Q&A with Leyla Sharman
Where were you born?
I was born in Brisbane and lived there for about 3 years. I wasn’t a mountain biker in Brisbane but I loved to ride around on my tricycle. We moved to Tassie when I was 3 and I live here permanently now.
What year did you start riding mountain bikes?
I have ridden bikes for the majority of my life. But I have only recently started taking mountain biking more seriously and I ride like 24/7!
How old were you when you started mountain biking?
I have been riding a bike for as long as I can remember.
Favourite trail?
My favourite trail has to be Iron Tor which is in Penguin which is in the north of Tassie. My favourite local trails in South Hobart where I live are Red Wine which is like a flow tech and Loam Line which is more gnarly and has big jumps.
Favourite Beer?
I’m under 18 so I don’t drink alcohol but my favourite drink is Kombucha.
Tell us something quirky about you
Heaps of things. One is I tell really bad jokes and then I crack myself up and no one else laughs which is really embarrassing.
Pizza or Burgers?
I love them both, but I love a good burger with heaps of goodies in it! (vego)
What’s the Gnarliest place you have ridden a bike?
Zen Garden or Slideshow Bob at Maydena Bike Park in Tassie.
What’s your favourite thing to do when you aren’t riding?
Annoying my parents or hanging out with friends.
What’s your dogs name?
I don’t have one but I have a cat who is called Belle. Belle means beautiful in French.
Clippless or Flats?
Both. I’ve only just started riding clipless to get more speed.
What’s your 2nd favourite sport?
Definitely surfing. I used to competitively surf for a few years, but I got too stressed before the competitions because I was really scared of big waves. So that’s why I ended up mountain biking.
Who inspires you?
Its gotta be Veronique Sandler. She’s a mad dawg and she’s so steezy and can do insane tricks.
What’s more important, speed or style?
Speed all the way. But style is important because you gotta look good when your passing someone haha.
Worst crash?
My worst crash has to be this year which was on the easiest thing ever and I just stuffed it up and I jumped straight into a tree with great force and hit my head really hard on the ground. I thought I had broken by collarbone but thankfully not. I had to go to hospital. That was my first trip to the hospital, and I was really scared.
How often do you ride?
I ride as much as I can which is like nearly every day and I ride until it gets dark. Lately I’ve been night riding with really good lights. Its great feeling riding in the dark and seeing all the wildlife.
What was the last book you read?
Can’t remember. Lol.
Favourite Movie?
I am addicted to Friends which is a 90s comedy American TV show.